How long should you wait between deep tissue massages?

Massage treatments for conditions such as back pain or frozen shoulder should also be scheduled at a pace that allows the injured party to rest and recover between sessions. It is recommended to wait at least 48 hours between each deep tissue massage session.

How long should you wait between deep tissue massages?

Massage treatments for conditions such as back pain or frozen shoulder should also be scheduled at a pace that allows the injured party to rest and recover between sessions. It is recommended to wait at least 48 hours between each deep tissue massage session. The system takes about 48 hours to rebalance after a deep massage, so the ideal is to leave an interval of at least two days between massages. Tattva Spa's expert therapists can assess your needs and offer you personalized guidance on the ideal time for your next deep tissue massage..

However, if you feel any persistent pain or discomfort due to the previous session, it's best to wait until the symptoms go away before getting another deep tissue massage. In general, it is recommended to wait at least 48 hours before scheduling another deep tissue massage so that the body has time to recover and avoid overloading the muscles. The recommended waiting time between deep tissue massages may vary depending on individual factors, such as physical condition and the specific goals of the massage.

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